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Micron Electric is a professional manufacturer which is specialized in various resistors. We are using our core technologies and quality management to meet customers’ need.

Environmental Initiatives

Micron Electric Co., Ltd. is working on reducing CO2 through environmental activities.

Environmental policy

Basic idea
A global environment which is rich in beautiful nature is essential for healthy and enriched life.

Micron Electric is a manufacturer of high-precision, high-quality and environmentally friendly resistors, heaters, safety circuit parts, and control parts. At the same time, we contribute to the society as an assembly company for automobile parts. We confirm that the conservation of the global environment is one of the most important common issues to all humankind, and we will endeavor to maintain and improve the environment in all our business activities.
Also, we deal with environmental friendly suppliers and their parts in the process of supplying products to customers. We not only work on environmental consideration for our own products but also for all the products we handle.

Action guidelines

In order to conserve environment, prevent pollution and improve continuously, Micron Electric should bear corporate and social responsibility as developer, manufacturer, purchaser, seller, and assembly manufacturer at overall business activities. The following matters are applied as guidelines in all aspects.

We set environmental goal and target continuously to improve our environmental management system.

1.Saving resource and energy.
2.Recycling and minimizing waste.
3.Concerning environment and resource completely when manufacturing and developing products.
4.Actively incorporating environmentally friendly education/activities and product development/production into environmental subject.

We obey the regulations related to environmental conservation and other requests which we agreed with, and we will pay attention to any change and deal with it appropriately.
We will work on environmental protection (protection of biodiversity and ecosystem) throughout the company.
We will work on raising the environmental awareness of our employees by promoting environmental education.
Environmental policy is public to everyone who works at Micron Electric.


4 strategies for environmental activities (Eco 4 actions)

1. Saving resources and energy

  • 1. Saving power at the offices and factories

    • Visializing the usage status of electricity at each site
      • Checking the usage status of electricity with tools at each sites.
    • Setting the temperature of air conditioner(Room temperature/Summer: 28℃, winter: 20℃)
      • Dealing with room temperature by cool biz and warm biz.
    • Setting power saving mode for OA machines and production machines.
      • Setting power saving mode for OA machine and turn it off when not in use.
      • Turn off the production machines which not in use.
    • Turning off the light when no in use
      • Turning off the lights during lunch break, when leaving the office or a room.
    • Switching the company’s cars to Eco cars before 2025.
      • Switching the company’s cars to Eco cars before 2025.



  • 2.Saving the resource for offices and factories.

    • Reducing the excess stock.
      • Reducing bulk purchase which exceeds the required quantity.



  • 3.Selecting the environmentally friendly pars when purchasing.

    • Actively purchasing the eco products



  • 4.Expanding products which is contributing to decarbonization.

    • Expanding our share to the market of power saving/Eco products
      • Developing and selling the products for automobile and machinery industry.

2.Recycling and minimizing waste

  • 1.Reducing and recycling waste
    • Promoting paperless.
      • Reducing copy paper, and digitizing drawings.
    • Seperating garbage
    • Classifying and recycling waste to effectively use the resources.

3.Concerning environment and resource completely when manufacturing and developing products.

  • 1. Considering saving power and resources while product development.Using appropriately managed materials.
    • Obeying the standards of environmentally managed substances.
      • Designing the products which can meet the environmental request of clients.
    • Considering the resources and energy used of materials
      • Concerning the resources and producing method of materials while designing products.
    • Considering developing using new materials
      • Developing new cement which drying temperature, time and solvent could be reduced.



  • 2. Using the appropriately managed machines and process while producing.

    • Using the production machines with appropriate setting.
      • Considering the efficiency, time, production line while setting the heating machines.
      • Regularly maitaining the prodcution machines.
      • Appropriately setting the warm-up operation for machnes.

4.Actively incorporating environmentally friendly education/activities and product development/production into environmental subject.

  • 1. Effectively using ISO14001 activity.

    • Themitizing environmantal issues in management program.
      • Every department picks up environmental themes
      • Positive thought are recommended.
    • Educating employess the importance of the environment, and encouraging them to contribute to the environement voluntarily
      • Planning the environmental education in each department.
      • Supporting and encouraging enploying to act voluntarily for environment.

ISO affairs org.

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